Caesar: A MATLAB function for encryption and decryption of strings.


Encryption and Decryption  of strings in MATLAB


This MATLAB function named "caesar", I wrote for an assignment of an online course of Vanderbilt University via Coursera.
The function takes two inputs, namely feed and shift. and gives output as coded
feed: a string to be encrypted or an already encrypted string to be decrypted
Shift: a value to encrypt or decrypt the string
Remember that when we decrypt the string, we place an opposite sign before the shift ( if the shift is 45 then make it -45 or vice versa)


  • Feed is converted to double ( data type)
  • a copy of the feed is created
  • divide the shift by 95 and take the remainder
  • a for loop is created to the length of the feed
  • if the sum of character and shift is greater than 126
  • then the value above 126 is added to 31 and is saved as the new character in place of the original one.
  • if the sum of character and shift is less than 32
  • then character, shift, and 127 are added together and 32 is subtracted from the total
  • and the result is saved as a new character in place of the original one.
  • if the above two conditions are not matched, then character value and shift are simply added and stored as a new character in place of the original one.
  • in the end, the created sample is converted to the char data type and is returned as the output of the function.

MATLAB Program

 function coded=caesar(feed,shift)

 %convert the feed into double
 %create a copy of feed
 %take the remainder of shift
 %the conversion
 for ii=1:length(feed)
     if (feed(ii)+shift)>126
     elseif (feed(ii)+shift)<32
 %Convert back in char data type


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